Vymahani mistniho poplatku ze psu.

  • av: Barbora Sofkova
  • mottagare: Spravce mistniho poplatku ze psu, administrator of local dogkeeping fee.

My, nize podepsani, jakozto platici tzv. mistniho poplatku ze psu, se citime poskozeni postupem odpovedneho uradu, ktery konkretne od mnozitelky pani Bartu tento poplatek nevymaha, prestoze dle sdeleni pana Martina Vackeho, mistostarosty obce Zachotin na Pelhrimovsku, v byvalem veprine v katastru obce chova k dnesnimu dni (25.11. 2009) 69 psu.


Vcas nezaplaceny poplatek nebo jeho nezaplacenou cast muze spravce poplatku zvysit az na trojnasobek (paragraf 11 zakona c. 565/1990 Sb., o mistnich poplatcich, v platnem zneni).


Tomu, kdo nesplni ve stanovene lhute povinnost nepenezite povahy, muze spravce poplatku opakovane ulozit pokutu az do celkove vyse 2 mil. Kc (paragraf 37 zak. c. 337/1992 Sb., o sprave dani a poplatku, v platnem zneni).


Zadame timto, aby spravce  poplatku (tzn. obecni urad v miste trvaleho bydliste pi Bartu) vyuzil veskere jemu zakonem dane moznosti.


Us, signed below, as payers of so called local dogkeeping fee, feel damaged by proceeding of responsible authority which does not require this fee, namely in the case of dog breeder Mrs Bartu. And this although according to statement of Mr Martin Vacke, deputy of mayor in Zachotin (Pelhrimov area), she keeps in a former piggery in cadaster of this village 69 dogs. The number is up to today's date (25.11. 2009).

A not on time paid fee or its unpaid part can be raised by administrator up to three times (11 law Nr.. 565/1990 Code, local fees, current version)

Those who dont stand to this in given term, may be fined by administrator with a total amount of 2 million Czk (37 law Nr. 337/1992 Code, tax and fee administration, current version).

Therefore we ask the fee administrator to use all options given him by law.

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