Maximum Sentence for Patrick's Abuser

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Carolyn A. Murray, Acting Essex County Prosecutor

Patrick the dog was found thin, cold and near death on March 16 after his owner put him in a garbage bag and dumped him in a garbage chute of a 22 story apartment building. He was found by a maintainance worker with every bone in his body protruding from starvation.

He was ambulanced to Garden State Veterinary Specialists in Tinton Falls, a referral hospital with 24 hour emergency care where he continues to recover.

The dog's owner, Kisha Curtis is charged with a Fouth-Degree Criminal Offense- torture and torment of a living creature and is being held in Passaic County Jail on $10,000 bail.

We ask that maximum penalty be imposed on Kisha Curtis and the message be sent to the public that torture and torment of a living creature is a crime, law enforcement takes it seriously, and it will not be tolerated.

Essex County Prosecutor's Office
Carolyn A. Murray, Acting Essex County Prosecutor
50 W Market St # 3
Newark, NJ 07102-1690
(973) 621-4700

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