Save Alaska's National Forest!

Alaska's Tongass National Forest is the nation's largest national forest, home to 17 million acres of centuries-old spruce, cedar and hemlock trees and many species of endangered animals like gray wolves and grizzly bears.

Over the past two decades, industrial logging interests have been threatening the ancient forest and its inhabitants. By the end of 2016, the Forest Service expects to finalize a plan to end old growth logging and save the forests that help combat climate change and provide a habitat for countless species.

Please sign the petition to urge Congress to defund logging in Tongass National Forest.

I am concerned about the fate of Alaska's Tongass National Forest. As you know, Tongass is the nation's largest national forest, home to 17 million acres of centuries-old spruce, cedar and hemlock trees and many species of endangered animals like gray wolves and grizzly bears.

Over the past two decades, industrial logging interests have been threatening the ancient forest and its inhabitants. By the end of 2016, the Forest Service expects to finalize a plan to end old growth logging and save the forests that help combat climate change and provide a habitat for countless species.

I respectfully urge you to defund logging in Tongass National Forest. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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