• av: Anja Z
  • mottagare: Canadian Food Inspection Agency

The couple who have rescued these puppies from Mexico did so because the puppies were in danger of being culled. However, due to filling out incorrect paperwork, the puppies are now in danger of being deported back to Mexico, to most likely face death. This situation can easily be changed by filling out the correct paperwork, but the CFIA is currently unwilling to budge on the situation. Please sign this petition to try and help the puppies stay in Canada and find good homes!

UPDATE NOVEMBER 29, 2013: The CFIA has apparently tried to resolve the situation by saying they will send the puppies back to Mexico and allow them to return as soon as the proper paperwork is filled out. I don't understand how it makes any sense to send them back, have the couple fill out the paperwork from Mexico and fly back here with the puppies when they can just fill it out while all of them are in Canada. CFIA, why are you being so ridiculous and unreasonable?!

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