Inclusion of ALL cats in Animal Welfare Bill

We have a chance to have feral, stray and homeless cats included in the forthcoming Animal Health and Welfare Bill.  It is vital they are included as currently, they have no protection or legislation and consequently can be poisoned, shot, trapped and killed. 

Dear Minister Coveney, we the undersigned ask that ALL cats, feral as well as tame, be included in the forthcoming Animal Health & Welfare Bill.  There is absolutely no legitimate reason why they should not be included as feral cats are the same species as tame cats and in many instances are former domestic pets that have been abandoned by their owners or are the offspring of such cats. Presently they have no protection or legislation concerning their welfare and safety and this needs to be addressed adequately in the Bill.

We cannot continue to have a situation where these cats can be poisoned, shot, trapped and killed on a whim. It is inhumane and completely unacceptable to all cat lovers.

Trap/neuter/return must be the 1st option considered for feral cats, not trap and kill.

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