Stop supplying explosives to people to use to send back hungry elephants to forests.

If elephants don't have foods from deforestation around the world, first you have to take action to stop deforestation & supply foods to elephants. The elephant relocation program to reduce elephant-human conflicts has been unsuccessful around the world. Hungry elephants are coming to villages to find foods. So, don't supply explosives to people to use to send back to forests those hungry elephants instead supply foods to hungry elephants.

If elephants don't have foods from deforestation around the world, first you have to take action to stop deforestation & supply foods to elephants. The elephant relocation program to reduce elephant-human conflicts has been unsuccessful around the world. Hungry elephants are coming to villages to find foods. So, don't supply explosives to people to sen back to forests those hungry elephants instead supply foods to hungry elephants.

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