Stop killing and abusing animals for the sake of furs

  • av: Saran Bardis
  • mottagare: WHO General Secretary, EU Animal Welfare and US President

We are killing many animals for their furs. Killing animal for the sake of food is also opposed but if these innocent species like raccoon, crocodile, cheetahs, dogs, foxes, rabbits, mink, and even kangaroos are killed for the sake of fashion & decoration. Plus sometimes these animals are skinned alive and they face slow and painful death (which normal people can't even dare to see). It is not only cruel but killing thousand of animals each year, when there are alternatives available, is becoming one of the reason of extinction. We are uselessly killing these innocent creatures and we must have to stop.

Saran Bardis - Fighter for Animal rights & Director operations at Gamucci products
PhD. Zoology University of Glasgow
Worked at WHO as a micro-specie researcher
Address: 104 Hickey Blvd # 296 Daly City, CA, United States
Phone#: (650) 591-1124

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