Appriciate your world, and give back to the innocent broken hearted hostage animals.

Freckles is a small Pit Bull puppy, Freckles was found in early March in a Dumpster in Baltimore, Md. He had been starved to a mere skeleton, after which he had been dragged behind an automobile, which ripped the skin from his frail body, and scraped the exposed bones. He was riddled with parasites and terrible infections of every kind. He was weak, starving, and lying in agony in the stinking garbage in which his body had been discarded. 

There are a number of laws that would prohibit the raising and killing of dogs for human consumption, yet none of these laws are enforced. There is a small number of animal rights activists in South Korea who have been working to end the dog slaughter, but their small size hinders them. Stand with the South Korean activists and demand that the dog meat market in Seongnam is closed down forever.

When I look into the eyes of an animal I do not see an animal! I see a living being! I see a friend, I feel a soul! 
Love your pets; they are your family too! If you agree that animals feel, suffer, love and the truth about their abuse should be exposed, please honor our work and sighn it's a pleasure please & thanks may the lord bless and keep all our natural beautys .

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