Save the bear Masha!

  • av: Olga Stel
  • mottagare: The governor and the administration of the Moscow Region

Save the bear Masha!
The governor and the administration of the Moscow Region
Citizens outraged by the abuse of Masha-bear.
Bear lives in the park for five years and three years did not know what sleep. However, as it does not know what a clean cage, well-groomed hair, kindness, tenderness, love and laughter of children. She knows the noise and stress of attractions, perpetual stress. The park administration is not undertaken any effort to improve the living conditions of its bears, despite the close attention of the public and requests. Masha can not fall into hibernation, fed and watered regularly animal, a bear living in unsanitary conditions, among the mountains of debris.

Masha is necessary to move to a shelter with a large aviary that has the experience and the conditions for keeping bears in comfort.

Masha is necessary to save the symbol of Russia, Russian forests suffering soul!

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