Justice for Mohawk the lion!

  • av: Anthi Paganou
  • mottagare: Kenya Wildlife Service, Nairobi National Park

Mohawk was a 13 year-old lion and one of the most famous lions of Nairobi National Park in Kenya. Some days ago, he escaped the park, as it not entirely fenced to enable traditional migration by animals in search of grazing.
The lion was surrounded by 400 people in the town of Isinya, about 35km from the Kenyan capital city of Nairobi. The locals taunted the lion, throwing rocks at him and the lion lashed out, striking a 27-year-old man on a motorcycle, who sustained bruises and deep lacerations on his back.
A managment team was sent to control the animal, but due to lack of tranquilizers, a second team had to go to Isinya. However, the lion was shot brutally by the KWS rangers of the first team and was killed, after the rangers said that the lion posed an immediate threat to human life. “It had injured somebody. There was a crowd that had formed around it, so it was practically impossible to capture it the way we planned to. When it injured that person, it became imminent to us that it could lead to a worse situation and it had to be brought down,” said Kenya Wildlife Service spokesman Paul Udoto.
All those poor excuses have caused the protest of many people around the world, asking for justice and the rangers to be fired.

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Another lion killed today in Kenya, near Nairobi. Lemek was killed after locals speared him to death.
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