Stop Gateway Corridor

  • av: Rip Gates
  • mottagare: Gateway Corridor is a light rail plan which may put a light rail train (or high speed buses) on residential streets in St. Paul, MN.

Front yards should not be rail yards. The $1.2 billion, 25+ ton “light” rail train would run through residential neighborhoods, very close to several schools and hundreds of homes, and cut access to streets and businesses -- zig-zagging from Union Depot to E. 7th St. to White Bear Av., then down to I-94 and out to Woodbury.

Putting a train on residential streets doesn't leave room for traffic, emergency vehicles, parking, school buses, truck access to businesses, and puts a giant barrier across the Eastside of St. Paul. Stop Gateway Corridor.

Gateway Corridor is a light rail plan which may put a light rail train (or high speed buses) on residential streets like East 7th Street & White Bear Avenue.

Front yards should not be rail yards. The $1.2 billion, 25+ ton “light” rail train would run through residential neighborhoods, very close to several schools and hundreds of homes, and cut access to streets and businesses -- zig-zagging from Union Depot to E. 7th St. to White Bear Av., then down to I-94 and out to Woodbury. 

Putting a train on residential streets doesn't leave room for traffic, emergency vehicles, parking, school buses, truck access to businesses, and puts a giant barrier across the Eastside of St. Paul. Stop Gateway Corridor.

Learn more about light rail's no brakes, crashes, costs, business problems, & the old 3M property.

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