• av: Sam mcfadzean
  • mottagare: the united nations, the world bank, IMF and world governments

the ancient forests of the world are the planets chimney.. they breath in our waste carbon dioxide and give out the oxygen we need to breathe. ancient forests clean the global environment filtering impurities and industrial poisons from the air.. they also with their variety of species balance the pH level of the waterways.. rivers wetlands and the sea.  also other natural habitat's including agricultural land.. without that balance our waterways become too acid. too much acid in our bodies invite cancers which thrive in that environment. ancient forests their trees some 1000 years old or more harbour some of the most diverse species on our planet.. animals,birds, amphibians,reptiles,insects,plants and fungi. also medicines and food. the more forests we lose the less birds and other insect eating animals.. which means an increase in biting insects spreading disease globally. please sign and protect these beautiful forests their flora fauna and their people.. for the benefit of the human family and all who succeed us. thank you so much

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