Mauritius - Stop the inhuman slaughter of dogs and start a sterilisation program

  • av: Katy Wilson
  • mottagare: Her Excellency Ameenah Gurib President of Mauritius

I was horrified to see the footage sent to the English press regarding the inhumane killing of dogs using a lethal cocktail of drugs – cut with cleaning agents to save costs The dogs are even killed in front of each other at the government pounds. I felt so sick after watching the footage and compelled to do something. I have visited Mauritius and have contacted rescues put there after finding sick and injured puppies dumped and starving to death on the beach. A sterilisation program would help the issues of too many dogs and is a far better solution. This could be used for cats too. We are supposed to live in a civilised society. The footage I saw was disgusting and the practice needs to be stopped.

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