Demand Justice for Rabbits

On a Grill Masters edition of Chopped (aired on The Food Network August 5, 2012), competing grillers were given rabbit meat with which to cook an entree.

Viewers saw this "ingredient", headless, skinned rabbits, in their entirety.

According to The Humane Society, and known by anyone who has experienced the companionship of a pet rabbit, these animals are intelligent, social creatures; rabbits live in groups and seek both intra- and inter- species companionship. 

Demand justice for rabbits and urge The Food Network owned by Scripps Networks Interactive to remove rabbit meat from all future episodes of Chopped.

Scripps Networks Interactive, The Food Network,

I was deeply offended and outraged to see the use of rabbit meat on a Grill Masters episode of Chopped originally airing August 5, 2012. Rabbits are intelligent, social creatures, not a sophisticated dining choice or "ingredient".

I strongly urge that henceforth, rabbit meat be no longer used by competing chefs and/or grillers on the series.


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