End the Cruel and Disgusting Practice of Bestiality

  • av: Care2 member
  • mottagare: Denmark Minister of Food and Agriculture

"Denmark has seen an increase in animal sex tourism, including a rise in animal brothels. Since an animal cannot consent to sex, it is therefore an attack on the animal and should not be allowed. Efforts to stop bestiality in Denmark are picking up steam and need our support.

It may be difficult to imagine what an animal brothel is. To many, it is common sense that one does not engage in sexual activity with one’s dog, cat, goat, or any other animal, much less trade money for it. Unfortunately, bestiality has been widely accepted in many countries, such as France, Germany, Belgium, and Holland, until the last ten years. This disgusting misuse of innocent creatures must be put to a stop completely. It should be considered a crime worldwide.

Today, the crime of bestiality is more widespread than many people are aware of. In Mexico, Brazil, Greenland, Russia, Japan, and many parts of Southern Asia, it is legal to have sex with animals. Australia and the United States leave the decision to individual states, which allows the countries to shirk the responsibility of making the abhorrent act illegal.

We must give animals a voice and set them free from the sexual abuse they have long been exposed to in Denmark."

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