Save Lear's Macaw

  • av: Tom
  • mottagare: Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) and Brazilian Government

Help save the Lear's Macaw, one of the rarest parrots in the world.
This Brazilian endemic is found only in a few areas of its original habitat that are currently protected, otherwise this species has disappeared from most of its former range.

Population in 2011 was estimated as between 1100 and 1200 individuals. It is currently listed as an Endangered species (Cites I). As well as habitat loss the Lear's Macaw has historically suffered from hunting and more recently, trapping for the aviary trade. Although the Lear's Macaw as critically endangered species is currently restricted from exporting and importing, people still poach them as food and pets.

Tell IBAMA and Brazilian Government that you care to save these extraordinary beautiful birds by halting illegal smuggling activities (including higher penalties for parrott poachers) and launch more protection efforts (like placing people to watch on poachers; planting licuri palm trees into bird's habitat; asking grassland owners to closer cooperate by leaving space for Indigo Macaw to build nests) to save Lear's Macaw from extinction.

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