Replace Ken Salazar with Raul Grijalva and help save our wildlife

Mr Salazar has endangered the lives and destroyed the families of thousands of our wild horses, burros, wolves, bison, whales et. al.  Many have died as a result of his orders and lack of oversight.  Mr. Grijalva on the other hand has an exemplary record in handling affairs of America's wildlife and should be drafted to serve the nation not just his state of Arizona.  Not to mention had he been chosen as President Obama's first Secretary of the Interior the entire Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf may have been avoided as Mr. Grijalva was pushing for more regulations and safety measures  to be implemented on off-shore oil rigs to avoid just such a catastrophe.

Mr. Grijalva is not actively pursuing the job but those of us who love the wildlife of America want to see him in that seat in Washington.  Please join us and sign your support for this important issue.  Let's put Mr. Obama on notice that this is what we the people want.

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