In Support OfThe Principles And Aims Of

Cavalier Spaniels suffer from serious and painful inherited diseases,and research has found genetic problems such as Syringomyelia and M.V.D. are threatening the survival of this unique beautiful breed of dogs. Many are born into a life of pain due to irresponsible breeding practices ,we therefore demand all breeders to immediately adopt and implement the agreed health testing protocol which many breeders are choosing to ignore .In support therefore of good breeding practices was created by Tania Ledger who owns two Cavaliers that have been affected by these horrendous diseases ,the intense love and devotion Tania has poured into constructing this new website is a mark of her devotion to her Cavaliers and ,to also help and inform all Cavalier owners around The World .We also plead that you view and if agree , sign the attached petitons that are linked to the site to further help these beautiful animals who so depend upon the love and care of their owners. Thank You. 
We the undersigned petiton the U K Kennel Club and The UK Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club to make The U.K. Cavalier Clubs Code Of Best Practice a rule for all its members and with sanctions for those who ignore this code.We also demand all breeders to implement and abide by the agreed health testing protocol for S.M. and M.V.D. and all other pre-breeding health tests required and for The Kennel Club to disallow registrations unless proven by by authentic certificate of compliance of breeding rules
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