Save the White-bellied Heron

  • av: Edo R
  • mottagare: International Union for Conservation of Nature
The White-bellied Heron (Ardea insignis), also known as the Imperial Heron or Great White-bellied Heron, is a species of large heron found in the foothills of the eastern Himalayas in India, northeastern Bangladesh, Burma and Bhutan. Additionally, there are records from Nepal. It is mostly all dark grey with white throat and underparts. This heron is mostly solitary and is found on undisturbed riverside or wetland habitats. The global population has declined and the species is threatened by disturbance and habitat degradation.

This marvelous species is Critically Endangered with an estimated global population of only 200 individuals. It is under grave threat of extinction due to accelerated development of large-scale hydro-power projects.
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