PUPPYCIDE: The Documentary

  • av: Tina Meadows
  • mottagare: The entire dog loving community

Every 98 minutes, a dog is shot by law enforcement. Help us tell their stories.

PUPPYCIDE is a feature length documentary that takes a journey with victims of puppycide, the dogs and their owners. From the moment they meet and seal their emotional bonds to the excruciating trauma of loss, we follow the dog owners' battles for justice with police culture and the legal system, both of which treat puppycides as acceptable collateral damage.

With your help, this film will examine why puppycides are increasing, why they are so devastating, and the tools available to prevent them.

Please visit    www.puppycide.com for more information and to take action.

Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and see photos of beloved pets who were killed.

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