Demand for the Justice and Rescue of the Cocker Spaniels in Clay County, WV

    Cocker Spaniels of Clay County, WV are in desperate need of rescuing due to horrible living conditions and animal cruelty, such as:

    - Living in small cages with three to four adult dogs per cage.
    - Some are chained, left out in the snow and ice and out of reach of their food and water.
    - Bred for profit in an illegal puppy mill.
    - They are horribly matted and possibly in need of medical attention.

    Rescue organizations near and far have attempted to aide in rescuing the Cocker Spaniels from their current situation, horrible living conditions and animal cruelty only to be denied access by the Clay County Sheriff.
    We need as many signatures as possible to get the West Virginia Attorney General, the West Virginia Legislature and the West Virginia Governor involved so rescue organizations can act NOW in moving forward with the rescue of these Cocker Spaniels and shutting down an illegal puppy mill. Time is of utter essence in saving these Cocker Spaniels from more animal abuse and cruelty.
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