Turn the Old Triangle Building vacant lot into a community garden.

  • av: Paul Hughes
  • mottagare: Ald Druh Farrell, Mayor's Office & Mayor Nenshi, Ald Gael Macleod, Ald Brian Pincott, City of Calgary Council, Office of Sustainability, Calgary Food Committee, OLSH (Office of Land Servicing & Housing)

A Productive Place for People. Urban Agriculture. Community Garden. Artisan Market. Farmer's Market.

The vacant lot in Sunnyside where the Old Triangle Building existed is ideal for a community garden.  We wish to petition Ward 7 Ald Druh Farrell, City of Calgary Council, et al to allow citizens to create a Growing Space and turn the field into a community garden where people can grow vegetables and herbs. It essentialy has the potential to become a food producing playground for families and children in Sunnyside. The community garden would teach children and families how to grow food and essentially become an inner city community sanctuary and a thriving and dynamic gathering spot for citizens.

Please read the petition statement and consider adding your name to the chorus of citizens urging Calgary City Council & Ward 7 Ald Druh Farrell to make this vacant lot a community garden.

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