Do NOT Repeal The Fox Hunting Ban.

We stand united not only the people of the United Kingdom but the people of the WORLD and stand united in one voice against the killing of innocent animal in the name of fun, its an outdated barbaric blood sport that should have been banned a long time ago for good. Do the right thing and keep the hunting ban in place.
There is no argument that could be put in place for fox hunting not one single argument, the fox is NOT vermin, they are NOT over populating, they are NOT evil in anyway. Any excuse made by the pro hunting community can be scrapped, why do they do it ? greed and blood lust that's why.

Fox Hunting must be kept banned We the people ask you to do the right thing and keep the ban in place. Lead the way, take your stand and show humanity to the world be the leading light.
We ask ALL members of the UK parliament to vote AGAINST the repeal of the fox hunting ban and above all to make sure that its banned for life. Do the right thing please do not let out dated barbaric blood lust win, its not worth it, take your stand and keep the ban on fox hunting.
With respect -

James Howie - C.O.P.E ~ Carers Of Planet Earth.

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