Tell the show "Arabs Got Talent" that skinning and eating live animals on stage is Not entertainment

  • av: Nuhad Sheikh
  • mottagare: Fremantle media representative Mary Oreilly

Last night as family members gathered to watch the popular show "Arabs Got Talent", the Middle Eastern version of the worldwide famous show, they were astounded to watch a contestant skin and eat a living snake as his talent in front of a large number of studio audience!

The bigger shock was that the contestant was voted in by the judges! 

Not only was his act tasteless, disgusting and lacking any talent, but what message is being given out to our children? You can be cruel to animals and that is considered a talent?

Please join us in asking the show to denounce this horrendous act and apologize to the audience for promoting animal cruelty. We need to make sure this is in their guidelines from now on, just like respecting human lives should be!

This is not entertainment. This is not acceptable. 

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