Justice For Kol! Demand officials enforce stricter punishments for Turkish animal abusers!

  • av: Slava Radakovic
  • mottagare: Ahmet Davutoglu Turkey Prime minister, Turkish Parliament, Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkey President

This German Shepherd mix named Kol was brutality hacked to death with a pickaxe by British 48 year old man aka B.C in Bodrum, Turkey. Onlookers attempted to stop the killing, but were attacked as well. The savage went so far as to even justify the killing claiming the pooch was already old and thus sees nothing wrong with hastening Kol's death himself. Instead of facing something closer to life imprisonment that savage was merely arrested and released with a 100$ fine. I don't know about you, but I cannot sit around idly allowing this to continue. Something needs to be done with the Turkish justice system otherwise the killings will continue and animal abuse will continue to be ignored.

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