Off leash dog park for Amherstview Ontario

  • av: Tessa Bertrand
  • mottagare: LOYALIST TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Mayor Bill Lowry

Amherstview has a population of over 6000 people. Our community has many beautiful parks and places to walk dogs on leash, but currently no enclosed parks where dogs can be free to run and socialize. 

With so many options of open public green space and many Amherstview residence owning dogs, an off leash park is an essential need that is currently not being met.

Dog parks offer a multitude of positive returns for pets, owners and the community as a whole.

They can;

  • Give a social setting for building community (pets make great icebreakers!)

  • Encourage responsible dog ownership and enforcement of dog control laws

  • Provide a safe place for dogs to run and play

  • Lower dog traffic in areas with birds and wildlife

  • Offer elderly and people with mobility issues a place to exercise their animals without over-exerting themselves

  • Allow dogs to have neutral territory to meet other dogs. Frequently socialized dogs are healthier, happier and tend to be less territorial and aggressive

  • Decrease behavioural problems. Well exercised canines are less likely to bark or be destructive or aggressive 

If you believe in the good that off-leash dog parks can do, please sign this petition!

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