Demand harsher sentence, on jilted boyfriend that mutilated kittens for revenge,

John Akrill, 47, was jailed for 20 weeks and banned from keeping animals for life by magistrates' in Scarborough, North Yorkshire.

The court heard how he sent a taunting text message to his ex in August last year saying he was going to kill the defenceless pets.

Later that day he broke their necks – reserving particularly sickening malice for the kitten she liked the most.

He then used a hammer to make sure all four were dead before dumping their mangled bodies in a dustbin where they were found by RSPCA inspectors.

Akrill, of Great Fryup Dale, Whitby, claimed he thought the eight-week-old black and white kittens were suffering from cat flu but an RSPCA vet and the post-mortem found no evidence of any illness.

Akrill had also texted his ex earlier that day threatening to kill the beloved cats, magistrates heard. Let's demand a harsher sentance

GRAPHIC CONTENT: Jilted boyfriend exacts revenge by SNAPPING kittens' necks

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