Help stop skinning alive of animals

We can stand together and unite to make a lasting legacy for future generations.

Why should we compassionate people be made to suffer intense stress every day of our lives due to the horrific skinning alive of animals for fashion and greed?  People can no longer stand idly by and complacently allow this attrocity to continue.

To spread compassion, we must eliminate fur from fashion.

This inhumane industry must finally be held accountable for its crimes.  Ignorance can no longer be an excuse.

For decades, compassionate people have been working together towards a loving world.  The time is now ripe for us to join together and make 2014 the genesis of lasting change to come, and put an end to this barbaric cruelty.

Please sign our petition and become the voice for a Compassionate, Loving World (CLW).

Image graciously provided courtesy of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and photographer Manfred Karremann, who, by their works and efforts, inspire others to join the fight for animal rights.   

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