Cruelty free - is it just a dream?

  • av: Elise Jones
  • mottagare: Unilever, P&G, Estée Lauder, Johnson & Johnson
Do you remember when you were little, having a bath, and pulling out the "no tears" shampoo by L'oreal?

There, rubbing your hair into a cloud of lather, and ready to test this no tears theory.

But, alas, it burned, and it turns out the no tears actually means no tears, as in rips in your hair, split ends, etc (clever marketing to mom's though!)

When i think of animal testing, i think about this

Even if nothing changes, to the people reading this, the following is a list of companies that still use animals for testing: (or pay someone else to do it for them - yes, i'm talking to you, Tresemmé)

⬛️ L'Oreal
⬛️ Tresemmé
⬛️ Maybelline
⬛️ M.A.C
⬛️ Estée Lauder
⬛️ Revlon
⬛️ Bobbi Brown
⬛️ Dove
⬛️ Clean & Clear
⬛️ Vaseline
⬛️ Vicks
⬛️ Johnson & Johnson
⬛️ Pantene
⬛️ Head & Shoulders
⬛️ Aveeno
⬛️ Aquafresh
⬛️ Listerine
⬛️ Windex
⬛️ Clorox
⬛️ Glade
⬛️ Febreeze
⬛️ Comet
⬛️ Coppertone
⬛️ Old Spice
⬛️ Almay
⬛️ Avon
⬛️ St Ives

Like still! I don't know why this is but this is accurate data guys

Did any of these suprise you? I was pretty surprised about Dove, pretty gutted about Bobbi Brown bc their chocolate palette was life. My best advice is to not give these companies your money, you've probably worked really hard for it and it helps to fund this kinda thing

Peace and love to everybody that's took the time to read this, you care and i appreciate that

Let's take steps to stop the cruelty, one purchase at a time

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