Thousands of Animal Lovers in Mexico Are Protesting Against Cruelty. Let's Stand With Them!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Mexico’s Congress of the Union, Congreso de la Unión
This June, thousands of people filled the streets of Mexico City standing up for animal rights and demanding change from the Mexican government. Citizens are refusing to be silent amidst a wave of horrific animal abuse cases, including a recent case where a teenager tortured and killed a stray puppy and posted about it on Facebook.

Sign now to demand Mexico's Congress of the Union take the protesters' demands seriously and pass stronger animal protection laws!

Protesters are bravely making their anger known, showing that the people of Mexico won't tolerate animal abuse anymore. In fact, protesters are explicitly asking for stronger penalties for perpetrators of animal abuse, and for the Mexican Constitution to be amended to consider animals as sentient beings. These would be amazing victories for animal rights!

In the past 7 years, lawmakers have attempted to pass three different initiatives to improve animal welfare in the country and failed. And in the meantime, while these vital laws weren't passed? A roadside camera captured a man literally throwing a dog into a vat of boiling oil.

We cannot wait any longer for action. It is time lawmakers actually prioritize this issue before any more animals are made to suffer unnecessarily. Mexico's Congress of the Union must show their commitment to animal rights! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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