• av: Jim Houghton
  • mottagare: Stakeholders in Woodley Park, Van Nuys, CA

The Army Corps of Engineers, who manages Woodley Park, has been asked to permit a huge music festival in the park. One has only to Google "music festival" to read about the complaints, the mess, the lasting impact of these massive gatherings. The petitioners are not against music festivals, but strongly believe that Woodley Park, with its cricket fields, its Wildlife Reserve, its many opportunities for rest and relaxation, should not be subjected to 65,000 people a day for three days in October.

We hope as many stakeholders in the park as possible will sign our petition, which urges the Army Corps to deny this permit and urges the promoters of the AngelFest music festival to seek out another, more appropriate venue for their event.

Thank you for signing.

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