School Lunches

  • mottagare: Schools Nationwide Teens Michelle Obama

Well it started off with the school food,its disgusting, its not really what they say there serving us, i often get sick. Like really is this what your serving us? So I would turn to the vending machines for back up bag of chips or bag of skittles and a powerade, but this year all i see fat free and i gave it a chance and the bag unlike last years has about like 15 chips . So i'm not going to waste two dollars on that when i can easily walk across the street and get me the same items with more chips and a large powerade. I understand you want us to eat healthier but before you start on the vending machines why don't you start with our school lunches serve us real food not something i can find at a garbage dump something. You try eating it every day from kindergarten to senior year ill be sure that you'll be making your own lunches by your sixth grade year if not then, then sooner. I agree with "Healthy" lunches but makes them better tasting. To the point where kids want to have a better healthier life not to traumatize them with this the so called food served at schools.

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