Ban Factory Farming of Animals NOW!

Factory farming of animals is a cruel, unsustainable method of animal husbandry that is a public and environmental health threat. I believe that animals should have a right to sunshine, adequate space, and clean air and water. Factory Farming takes these basic necessities away from animals by confining them to cramped spaces indoors, which is unhealthy for the animals. The Factory Farming industry has reduced animals, which are sentient beings that experience pain, to products, that are sold to consumers without any regard for the sanctity of life. This system is profit-driven, and the industry exposes these animals to toxic compounds in order to cut costs and maximize profit without any regard for the environmental impact or the impact on the health of the general public. I believe that if we are going to raise animals for slaughter, we should do it in a way that meets the inherent rights of animals previously stated and reduces the environmental and public health impact.

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