Object to and stop paying for Harry, Meghan and their son’s global security costs

    The UK tax payers are expected to pay for Harry, Meghan and their son’s security costs, even though they no longer live in the UK and they are now private citizens. This is undemocratic.

    Harry and Meghan are no longer entitled to use ‘Sussex Royal’.
    Harry’s honorary military positions are suspended.
    They have stepped back from the Royal Family, and no longer work to support the Commonwealth.
    The couple no longer undertake engagements in support of the Queen.

    Harry and Meghan’s new life as an ­independent couple will travel the globe earning millions as private citizens.

    Harry and Meghan are already multi millionaires in their own right.

    They have made their choice to step back from Royal duties, and to live abroad and travel globally to achieve financial independence. It is, therefore, their own responsibility to provide their own security, not the responsibility of the UK tax payers.

    Therefore, we the undersigned object to paying for Harry, Meghan and their son’s global security costs, and to stop the UK Parliament -House of Commons and the House of Lords, from making any contribution towards them
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