shut down puppy mill

There is a puppy mill near me in Utica minn. He has had several citations for this mill, goes to auctions & buys dogs, uses out-of-date medicine, doesn't have proper housing. Before I knew about puppy mills I bought a puppy there. It was in a little cage in the front yard. He let it out and it just ran and ran in circles. I bought her, took her home and all she would do is run in circles. Last week her front tooth fell out shes 3 years old. Ijust wonder what her mother is going through. This the weird part, I looked up his address, drove there it was the same place I got my puppy. He's amish, I thought they were loving, God-fearing people. I was wrong, those animals need our help. Who can speak for them? I have 4 dogs, they live in the house with me. Please help me!

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