While it's true that the plus-size movement is gaining momentum, we are not without our challenges. Just when our messages about raising social awareness for the plus-size population moves forward, another announcement or statistic meant to humiliate us and send us back home away from society is forcing us to take a step in the wrong direction.....backward!

Federal and state laws declare that all persons within the United States are free from discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, age, socio-economic level, gender, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin, yet with the exception of Michigan, there is not a law that pertains to size discrimination.

All overweight people should be shown the exact same rights as their size-accepted counterparts.

Discrimination, isolation and humiliation are words we all know well. It is our goal that each one of us in the plus-size community replace those words with acceptance, celebration and dignity.

We ask you to sign our petition and join us in our quest to see that all overweight people be treated equally with respect in public spaces, schools and the workplace, and not shamed just because of our size.

Your signature will begin the long overdue process of ending size discrimination in America

Signera petitionen
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