Seahorse in Perils

Issue: Proposed development will destroy extensive mangroves, seagrass habitats and will affect seahorse and dugong populations. 

Location: Pulai River Estuary, Johor, Malaysia (very near Singapore). 
                Development is ONLY 500 m from the Ramsar Site !!!

What we have to say:
"This is an utter cruelty to the environment and should  never be allowed."

Site Conservation Value:

i) Harbour one of the oldest virgin mangrove forest in the world
ii) A Ramsar Site - Wetlands of International Importance declared in 2003
iii) Harbour the most extensive seagrass bed in Malaysia
iv) The last stronghold habitat for the Spotted Seahorse (Hippocampus kuda) population in Malaysia
v) Evidence of dugong population
vi) Rich in fisheries, coral reef and other marine biodiversities
vii) Provide for the livelihood of traditional fishermen and indigenous Seletar folks


A recent EIA has been put up to clear 2,255 acres of mangroves at Sungai Pulai for Petrochemical and Maritime Industries. The types of heavy industries proposed is a catastrophy to the ecosystems. They include industrial gases, paints, varnishes, chemical products, petroleum refinery, shipbuilding and repair, fertilizers and pesticides, rubber remilling etc. 
Apart from clearing 2,255 acres of pristine mangrove forest, the subsequent stages of this development will cause:

 i) direct demolition to the seagrass beds due to dredging work on the riverbank
ii) run-off, sedimentation and siltation - smother the seagrass habitat
iii) Discharge very toxic effluents (heavy metals, PCBs etc) into the waters
iv) Increased shipping and land-based activities

The fate of the seahorse, dugongs and other biological communities, and the people who rely on these resources, is in your hand.


We the undersigned would like you to seriously consider to abort the plan to build petrochemical and maritime industries at the Pulai River Estuary.

This is because the area has immense conservation value. Some of the important characteristics of the area are:

) Harbour one of the oldest virgin mangrove forest in the world
ii) A Ramsar Site - Wetlands of International Importance declared in 2003
iii) Harbour the most extensive seagrass bed in Malaysia
iv) The last stronghold habitat for the Spotted Seahorse (Hippocampus kuda) population in Malaysia
v) Evidence of dugong population
vi) Rich in fisheries, coral reef and other marine biodiversities
vii) Provide for the livelihood of traditional fishermen and indigenous Seletar folks.

The types of development proposed at this area are very damaging to the environment. We want the seahorse, dugong and the associated marine biodiversities at this area to be conserved for our future generations.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this letter.

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