Make chaining dogs illegal!

Chaining dogs is cruel and abusive. Dogs need social interaction with humans. They need to feel loved and cared for, they need protection from the weather and temperatures, and they need proper physical care and exercise.
If you drive along the streets of any Nebraska community, you will more than likely see dogs both small and large, chained to trees, run down dog houses, porches, or anything the dog owner happens to find to chain their dog to. These dogs face a lonely, sad existence, and often are neglected and forgotten. They are subject to temperature extremes, inadequate shelter. inadequate exercise, lack of social interaction, are attacked by insects and often infested. They may develop sores from from being chained or tied up; and often become tangled in an attempt to move around.their area of confinement. The area where they are chained is often full of feces and not cleaned well. Even when the area in which they are chained is clean, they are unhappy and miserable. Chained dogs are also at risk from wandering animals; and can not defend themselves. People passing by also have a habit of taunting and teasing, even harming dogs which are chained. People have been known to throw rocks and bricks at chained dogs.
Research has shown that dogs are social creatures and most dogs need quite a bit of exercise through running and long walks. Dogs need human companionship and social interaction every day and have a variety of other needs which can not be met when chained. Female dogs are at risk of becoming pregnant.
Please consider creating bills, supporting bills and passing bills which make chaining dogs illegal.
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