Petition to ban the auction of exotic birds and animals

Please sign the following petition to end the auctioning of exotic birds and animals.  This practice must come to an end.  No animal should be sold to the highest bidder.  Exotic bird and animal owners should be screened, educated and licensed prior to being able to possess exotic animals.  Auctions only benefit the seller and has no benefits for the animals. 

We the undersigned are asking that you ban future auctions of exotic birds and animals.  As I am sure you are aware of, exotic birds and animals are being released into the wild every day by uneducated owners who are no longer able to care for these animals.  If we allow auctions like this to go on, we are only contributing to the problem.   Parrots, like any other exotic animal, should not be auctioned off to the highest bidder.  Please help us to stop this outragous act by banning auctions of this kind.   Thank you for your time.
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