Stop the castration of pigs without anaesthesia !

Every day, 4000 piglets in Sweden are castrated without anaesthesia. Approximately 12 million pigs have undergone this excrutiating process since 2001. The process is described as: two incisions are made on the sides of the scrotum with a sharp blade or with a pair of tongs, after which the testicles, with richly supplied nerves, are pulled out and the spermatic duct and blood vessels are cut off, the wound left open to heal on its own. Although the castration without anaesthesia unfortunately is common practice around the world, Norway chose to ban this process already in 2002. But the agriculture minister of Sweden, Eskil Erlandsson, has chosen to keep this process legal. The reason ? It would cost 2 euros per piglet to supply them with anaesthesia. Please, in first hand, stop eating meat. Animals are NOT food. Secondly, please sign this petition and help prevent the unnecessary pain and suffering of 4000 piglets per day.
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