According to the Gov of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, the following sites operated by the Department of Natural Resources will close effective Nov. 1, 2008:

* Castle Rock State Park, Oregon
* Lowden State Park, Oregon
* Hennepin Canal Parkway State Park, Sheffield
* Illini State Park, Marseilles
* Channahon Parkway State Park, Channahon
* Gebhard Woods State Park, Morris
* Hidden Springs State Forrest, Strasburg
* Kickapoo State Park, Oakwood
* Moraine View State Park, Leroy
* Weldon Springs State Park, Clinton
* Wolf Creek State Park, Windsor

Pleas help keep these beautiful sections of nature open for the public to enjoy. i have been to a few but would like to see them all at some point in my life. help me convince Blagojevich that closing these parks is not the right thing to do. thanks in advance.

don't litter
please do not cut funding to these state parks. they are all beautiful and visited frequently by many people. losing these as a state park would be a terrible shame. here are signatures from many others that feel the samw way.
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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