Prevent 100'000 endangered monkeys being sent from Sri Lanka to China

    Sri Lanka has confirmed China's request for importing 100'000 toque macaque monkeys from the cash-strapped island nation, amidst protests from environmental groups against the deal.The toque macaque monkey is endemic to Sri Lanka and classified as endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list.
    The monkeys will be taken from the wild and will be exported for exhibitions in Chinese zoos. However, it is unclear if they will be used for experimental purposes.
    Even though the monkeys are known to destroy crops in several parts of Sri Lanka taking them from the wild, shipping them overseas and placing them in zoos (or worse) will be traumatising for them.
    The goal is to send enough signatures to Sri Lanka's agriculture minister Mahinda Amaraweera to stop the sale/shipment to China, leave the monkeys in the wild and find more humane ways to deal with any issues that monkeys cause in Sri Lanka.
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