Naming, Shaming & Harsher Punishment for Animal Cruelty

A recent story has driven me to set this petition up.

A gang of youths stole & tortured a chihuahua dog by breaking his neck, setting him on fire, feeding him drugs & dumping him in a rubbish dump. It was the worse case of animal cruelty an Inspector of the RSPCA has said to have seen.

The youths were not named & they should be named & shamed. They only received a ban for keeping animals for 5 years, 12 months referral orders & pay costs totally £2000 & one youth got £5800. Jail sentences or a term in youth offending should have been given out.

This petition is for this type of sentencing to be given & name & shame any persons regardless of age who inflict unnecessary pain on defenceless animals.

Let's be the voice for animals who don't have one.

Please sign.

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