Justice for Justice!

  • av: Sam Jacobs
  • mottagare: Executive mayor Alderman Patricia de Lille of Cape Town

Justice lay for 5 days in the hot sun. He couldnt move because of his injuries he sustained from the other dog on the property. For 5 days his owners did nothing but walk passed him and pretend he wasnt there crying in agony. No food, no water. Maggots and flies eating him alive from his injuries right down to the bone. All it would have taken is a short phone call to the nearest SPCA or vet to save this innocent boy. But no, the "family" wouldnt even do that! Justice was saved and shown love in the last few hours of his life by angels. Sign this petition so I can send it to the mayor of Cape Town and show her that animal lovers want to see this "family" behind bars! We are sick of people getting away with a slap on the wrist. PLEASE SIGN!

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