Donald Trump Rally Includes a Circus Elephant. Stand Up For Animals Being Used for Inhumane Purposes.

At a campaign rally for Donald Trump in Sarasota Florida, an elephant with the words “TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” written on its side with paint was walked around the event. The animal belonged to Frank Murray, who owns many circus elephants. He was previously convicted for animal neglect and arrested in 2012.
“I’m doing this for love of America, I’m a Trump fan. The man knows how to make money. He knows what America is all about and he can get America back on track," Murray commented. Murray would like to give the elephant for free to help the Trump campaign.
There have even been more incidents with the candidate and elephants. After pictures with the candidates son, standing over the body of a dead elephant was published by TMZ, Trump admitted his son was a hunter, and made no further comments on this issue.
Please ask Donald Trump to decline the use of Murray's elephants, and spread the word to stop using animals to promote campaigns everywhere..

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