Reject Republican Gerrymandering and Draw Fair District Lines

After the 2010 census, Republicans used their control of State Legislatures to draw district lines that unfairly benefited their own party.

So egregious was their abuse of power that Republicans won a 23-seat majority in the subsequent Congress even though Democrats tallied 1.4 million more votes nationwide.

This undemocratic abomination must come to an end.

The United States is built upon the idea that voters choose their leaders. But this decade, thanks to Republican gerrymandering, it has been the opposite. Politicians have been choosing their voters and denying large segments of our population the right to have a voice in our government.

Politicians have no business drawing the lines of their own districts to guarantee them job security that they don't deserve. Some states have had great success using non-partisan, independent panels to draw district lines, and it's time for the rest of the country to do the same.

Add your name to take politics out of redistricting and finally guarantee every American equal representation in our own government.

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