Demand Congress delegalize the Hunting of Polar Bear.

Please sign my petition to make the hunting of Polar Bears illegal.We are demanding that Congress draft into immediate action the hunting, maiming and killing of one of this Country's vulnerable species. Over 1,000 Polar Bears are hunted annually.

Of the 19 subpopulations of Bears, there are estimated to be under 30,000 or so in the wild. Of these groups the numbers are narrowing in numbers each decade. These laws should be held in a higher category ( of penalties) due to the fact that the Polar Bear is listed under the United States Endangered Species Act.
Those caught should be held accountable and prosecuted to the full extent of Federal law. It is worse enough they must battle for their own habitats, search for food, suffer under Global Warming Issues etc. We must protect our own. It is absolutely our human and humane responsibility. Thank You for your Support !
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