Legalization of medical cannabis in Europe

it only takes a few seconds. Each signature will be a step towards the legalization of cannabis in the medical community.
1 million signatures and the European Commission will be forced to legalize.

These are the virtues:
20 million consumers

In the "European Drug Report 2013: Trends and developments", it says that 77 million European adults (15-64 years) have used cannabis in their lifetime. Over 20 million people have used cannabis in the past year. This makes cannabis the most popular drugs in the European Union. However, possession and consumption are still largely criminalized, while it is known that he is not of vital health risks, especially in comparison with legal products containing alcohol and tobacco. The illegal status of cannabis also creates a huge black market, resulting in a risk to public health is not socially justified mobilizes a large police capacity and thus costing the taxpayers money while a regulated market cannabis is actually a source of tax revenues.
Weed Like to Talk

These are the reasons which prompted three French students to take action. As they were tired of ineffective policy measures, these students chose to use an innovative approach to direct democracy: the citizens' initiative.

WLTT1Dans part of a citizens 'initiative, a citizens' committee, in this case Weed Like to Talk, must collect a million signatures in at least seven countries in the European Union. If successful, this committee may submit a proposal for a common policy of cannabis, based on a market regulated by law. The European Parliament is then required to vote on the proposal.

In summary, the proposal is a common policy control and regulation of the production, consumption and sale of cannabis. The three basic arguments are:

Ensure equality before the law and non-discrimination for all citizens of the EU.
Protect consumers and ensure their health.
Stop the illegal trade in cannabis and opt for its legalization by harmonizing national legislation within the EU.

Support this initiative

ça ne prend que quelques secondes. Chaque signature sera une étape vers la légalisation du cannabis dans la communauté médicale.
1 million de signatures et la Commission européenne seront obligés de légaliser.

Ce sont les vertus:
20 millions de consommateurs

Dans le "Rapport européen des drogues 2013: tendances et évolutions», il est dit que 77 millions d'adultes européens (15-64 ans) ont consommé du cannabis au cours de leur vie. Plus de 20 millions de personnes ont consommé du cannabis dans l'année écoulée. Cela rend le cannabis médicaments les plus populaires dans l'Union européenne. Cependant, la possession et la consommation sont encore largement pénalisées, alors que l'on sait qu'il n'est pas de risques pour la santé vitaux, surtout en comparaison avec des produits légaux contenant alcool et le tabac. Le statut illégal du cannabis crée également un énorme marché noir, ce qui entraîne un risque pour la santé publique ne se justifie pas socialement mobilise une grande capacité de la police et des coûts ainsi l'argent des contribuables alors que le cannabis sur le marché réglementé est en fait une source de recettes fiscales.
Weed aiment parler

Telles sont les raisons qui ont poussé trois étudiants français à prendre des mesures. Comme ils étaient fatigués de mesures inefficaces, ces étudiants ont choisi d'utiliser une approche novatrice de la démocratie directe: l'initiative des citoyens.

WLTT1Dans partie d'une initiative citoyenne, un comité des citoyens, dans ce cas, les mauvaises herbes aiment parler, doit recueillir un million de signatures dans au moins sept pays de l'Union européenne. En cas de succès, ce comité peut soumettre une proposition pour une politique commune de cannabis, basé sur un marché réglementé par la loi. Le Parlement européen est alors nécessaire de voter sur la proposition.

En résumé, la proposition est un contrôle de la politique commune et de la réglementation de la production, la consommation et la vente de cannabis. Les trois arguments de base sont les suivants:

Assurer l'égalité devant la loi et la non-discrimination pour tous les citoyens de l'UE.
Protéger les consommateurs et d'assurer leur santé.
Arrêtez le commerce illicite de cannabis et d'opter pour sa légalisation par l'harmonisation des législations nationales au sein de l'UE.

Soutenir cette initiative

Si tous ceux qui font partie des 20 millions d'utilisateurs de cannabis signer cette pétition, il réunira ainsi suffisamment de voix pour donner un signal très fort à la Commission européenne et le Parlement européen. Weed aiment parler de soutien est de contribuer à une Europe différente, une Europe qui ose prendre des décisions politiques simples et progressifs à l'écoute de leurs citoyens.


If all those who are part of the 20 million cannabis users sign this petition, it will bring together well enough votes to give a very strong signal to the European Commission and the European Parliament. Weed Like to Talk support is to contribute to a different Europe, a Europe that dares take simple and progressive political decisions by listening to their citizens.

These are the virtues:
20 million consumers

In the "European Drug Report 2013: Trends and developments", it says that 77 million European adults (15-64 years) have used cannabis in their lifetime. Over 20 million people have used cannabis in the past year. This makes cannabis the most popular drugs in the European Union. However, possession and consumption are still largely criminalized, while it is known that he is not of vital health risks, especially in comparison with legal products containing alcohol and tobacco. The illegal status of cannabis also creates a huge black market, resulting in a risk to public health is not socially justified mobilizes a large police capacity and thus costing the taxpayers money while a regulated market cannabis is actually a source of tax revenues.
Weed Like to Talk

These are the reasons which prompted three French students to take action. As they were tired of ineffective policy measures, these students chose to use an innovative approach to direct democracy: the citizens' initiative.

WLTT1Dans part of a citizens 'initiative, a citizens' committee, in this case Weed Like to Talk, must collect a million signatures in at least seven countries in the European Union. If successful, this committee may submit a proposal for a common policy of cannabis, based on a market regulated by law. The European Parliament is then required to vote on the proposal.

In summary, the proposal is a common policy control and regulation of the production, consumption and sale of cannabis. The three basic arguments are:

Ensure equality before the law and non-discrimination for all citizens of the EU.
Protect consumers and ensure their health.
Stop the illegal trade in cannabis and opt for its legalization by harmonizing national legislation within the EU.

Support this initiative

If all those who are part of the 20 million cannabis users sign this petition, it will bring together well enough votes to give a very strong signal to the European Commission and the European Parliament. Weed Like to Talk support is to contribute to a different Europe, a Europe that dares take simple and progressive political decisions by listening to their citizens.

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