Justice for Pumpkin

Pumkin was illegally killed upon arrival on May 12, 2016 by Bakersfield Animal Care Center (aka Mt Vernon Animal Shelter)

Pumpkin resided at the Oaks, a very affluent neighborhood on the Souewest side of Bakersfield. Pumpkin was a yorkshire terrier who had a heath check up on Feb. 8, 2016 at BVH, his vet. He was found to be a heathy 15 year old Yorkie! He was hard of hearing and his sight wasn't too great any more, but he was still playful and loved his walks. Any time his human picked up the leash he jumped and barked like he was just a pup! His family and his fur brother miss him dearly.

On May 12th, the gardener left the gate open, and Pumpkin ran away. A good neighbor found Pumpkin and took him to the Mt Vernon Animal Shelter, where he should have been safe and, easy to find. According to the law, California Penal Code 597f (b)(c)(d) Owners have at least 72 hours to find their sweet pup. Tragically this is not what happened. 

Pumpkin was killed within an hour of arrival to the Bakersfield Animal Care Center (aka Mt Vernon Animal Shelter) on May 12, 2016 between the hours of noon and 4:00 closing time. 

We demand the laws that should have protected Pumkin be enforced, and have this matter is fully investigated by the City of Bakersfield. Sign to bring Justice to Pumpkin!

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