Stop Nestle from testing on animals!

The testing of products like cosmetics and cleaning supplies on animals has long been an issue in many parts of the world. Just a few months ago an article published about companies including Nestle brought to light many horrific tests that were being performed. These tests included force feeding, injecting mice with bacteria and exposing them to harmful radiation, then skinning them. Afterwards, many of the animals were murdered.
By signing this petition, you are saying "no" to big corporations like Nestle torturing innocent animals. Our furry friends don't have a voice of their own, so we need to speak for them and stop the horrific testing of products on defenseless animals.


It has come to my attention lately that you often test your products on animals. This is inhumane and cruel. If you want to test products, get willing, consenting human test subjects instead of torturing animals that cannot defend themselves. What you are doing is abusive and shouldn't be tolerated. Please stop the suffering and killing and don't test your products on animals. 


Johanna Steensma from Wellesley, MA

A student at Wellesley Middle School

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